Prayer Resources

Praying For Our Leaders

What might the impact be if, as a country of Christians, we collectively and in unity prayed for our local, state and government leaders? How might they be strengthened? How might they make better decisions? What if by praying for our leaders, they were infused with the strength to stand up to unethical influencers?

Join me by downloading this FREE printable 10 day Scripture based prayer journal. Print a copy for personal use and share this page with your friends and family.

Let’s make an impact where we live, 
let’s storm the doors of heaven with prayer for our leaders!

31 Scriptures About Prayer - Printable Scripture List

Pray Relentlessly

A Soul Inspired Prayer Journal

“Pray Relentlessly” is a 150+ page topical Prayer Journal featuring Bible study features on the topic of prayer. Pray Relentlessly can be used on it’s own or as a companion with our “Inspiring Women”.

Pray Relentlessly is replete with scriptural foundation and thought-provoking questions, which shores up our faith and motivates us to press forward in our prayer life. To make progress. Steeped in His Truth as we study this prayer journal, we find assurance God deeply desires a personal relationship with us, and that personal relationship requires communication. Prayer.

Within the pages of this prayer journal, Jana prays “that it [Pray Relentlessly] will stretch my prayer muscles and that the woman I am when I close this journal is not the same as the one who opened it.” I know she prays that same prayer for every woman who opens this prayer journal.   ~ Monica Bard

“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.”  

1 John 5:14-15

Praying For Your Church

What might happen if the people of today’s church began praying in earnest for our churches and church leaders? Can you just imagine a powerful flood of revival washing through our churches and out into our communities?! Hallelujah! Will you join me in praying for our churches? Will you take up the call to pray for revival within your own church?
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Download this FREE printable 12 day Scripture based prayer journal. Print a copy for personal use or share with your friends.  

Praying for Revival

A Soul Inspired Prayer Journal

A world in chaos. The Church divided. Families broken. Evil abounding. What we need right now is Jesus. What we need, is revival.

God began burning this in my heart: He has a desire for His people to return to Him. A revival of The Church. For this revival to occur, we must fervently seek God. We are told in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” That seeking comes from spending time in His Word and in prayer.

This seeking has been the catalyst for Praying For Revival.
40 days of reading God’s Word
40 days of meeting with God in Prayer
40 days of listening to God speak
40 days of journaling our prayers and God’s responses
40 Days of Praying for Revival

Praying Over Your Home

Home is our very personal private space. It’s our family space. It’s where real life happens with real life people feeling real feelings and fighting real battles. If your home is like our home, we celebrate here, we play here, we cry here, we argue here, we contend here, we eat here, we entertain here, we learn here, we work here, we live life here everyday. What place is more central to our lives than home?
So, I want to invite you to do something you may have never done, or if you have, then I want to encourage you to do it again -  pray over your home.

Visit our blog to download the FREE printable 11 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Home prayer journal. Print a copy for personal use or share with your friends.  

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”  

Ephesians 6:18

Jingle and Joy

Praying Beneath the Tree

Jingle and Joy is an advent study, sharing the story of prayer beneath the tree for all people. You will want to keep it by your tree, bedside table, or coffee table to read each day from now until Christmas. Daily prayer prompts will keep you kneeling beneath the tree, looking up to God, trusting he hears your every request.

"Jingle and Joy is the perfect blend of the honest admission that Christmas can be overwhelming, but that joy is the greatest gift the season has to offer. This book will be on my nightstand this Christmas season!"
Cindy K. Krall

Learn more about Jingle and Joy and access additional resources.

Praying Over Students & Teachers

As the school year gets underway let us pray for it to be filled with as much normalcy as possible. Seek the Lord and cling to Him every step of the way. During your quiet time use the list below to pray for students, teachers, administrators and other school staff who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep things headed in the right direction.
While you’re at it, pray for one another, be encouraging, and spread kindness everywhere you go. Together we can wrap our kids God’s love and protection.
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Visit our blog to download this FREE printable 6 Verses to Pray Over Students and Teachers.  

Praying For Our Children

One of the most impactful things we can do as adults is pray for children. Whether a parent, grandparent, extended family, or a friend, we all have children in our lives. Praying for the children God has placed in our lives is not only an honor, but also a responsibility.

Download this FREE printable prayer journal which includes "7 Scriptures to Pray Over Our Children" and daily journaling pages.