Inspiring Women
Women carry great influence, especially over the next generation. So we each need to ask ourselves, “how will I influence those watching me?” It is a personal decision each of us have to make.
Are you ready to become the inspiring woman God has destined you to be?
This. Is. Our. Time.
Are you ready to become the inspiring woman God has destined you to be?
This. Is. Our. Time.
Pray Relentlessly
“Pray Relentlessly” is a topical Prayer Study Journal which can be used on it’s own or as a companion with “Inspiring Women”. Pray Relentlessly is replete with scriptural foundation and thought-provoking questions, which shores up our faith and motivates us to press forward in our prayer life. We find assurance God deeply desires a personal relationship with us through prayer.

Let Your Light Shine
We live in a dark world, and it seems to be getting darker day by day. But there is hope. There is a light. Let Your Light Shine is a 31-day journey through God's Word to learn about the hope we have in Christ Jesus.
Praying For Revival
We live in a broken and fallen world, but recent event have left many of us feeling despair and seeking God for revival like never before. Praying for Revival is a 40-day Prayer Journal which includes Scripture based prayer prompts to guide us as we pray for the revival we seek.
Revive Us Again
Revive Us Again, is a 31-day Scripture Study Journal and companion to Praying For Revival. Each day includes journaling / study Scripture prompts to helps us learn more about the revival we seek.

Jingle and Joy
Jingle and Joy is an advent study, sharing the story of prayer beneath the tree for all people. You will want to keep it by your tree, bedside table, or coffee table to read each day leading up to Christmas. Daily prayer prompts will keep you kneeling and praying beneath the tree.

Gracious Words
In the book of James, we are warned that the tongue is small but mighty. The ability to control our tongues and our words comes only through surrendering the to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to intercede. It takes great obedience on our part to keep our words gracious.

Joy Filled Life
Joy is not like happiness which is conditional to what is happing around us or whether or not things are going the way we want. No, joy is present even in the midst of trials and suffering.
Joy Filled Life is a go-at-your-own-pace study which incorporates lots of opportunities to worship and study through creativity.
Joy Filled Life is a go-at-your-own-pace study which incorporates lots of opportunities to worship and study through creativity.

Dwell in the Psalms
In Dwell in the Psalms, Mitzi Neely shares beautiful words of encouragement to accept God's invitation to spend time with Him. "My time with God is my dwelling place. The place that prepares me to face my earthly responsibilities."