Writing Scripture

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked ... but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”
Psalm 1:1-2
Psalm 1:1-2
I’ve read that “writing is medicine for your mind.”
If you find yourself anxious or overwhelmed, journaling your thoughts is a great way to improve clarity and focus.
I would also testify that Scripture is holy medicine for one’s soul. When these two mind and soul tonics are combined, our anxious thoughts can be replaced with the calming assurances of God’s Word.
If you find yourself anxious or overwhelmed, journaling your thoughts is a great way to improve clarity and focus.
I would also testify that Scripture is holy medicine for one’s soul. When these two mind and soul tonics are combined, our anxious thoughts can be replaced with the calming assurances of God’s Word.
Here are a few benefits I have realized from the time spent writing Scripture.
Calms anxiety - as your focus switches from anxious and worrisome thoughts to concentration on each written word of Scripture. Slow down even more by contemplating the meaning of each word.
Aids in memorization - as you are more intently focused on the words when writing instead of just reading. Is Scripture memory your goal? Then write the same Scripture verse several times until you can write it from memory.
Improves memory recall - immersing your mind in Scriptures allows for them to be more easily recalled in moments of distress or need.
Growth in understanding - as time is spent with God, the Holy Spirit aids us in discernment of God’s Word. Want to learn more? Spend a few extra minutes looking up each verse in a Bible Commentary or similar resource and notate your learnings.
Our Soul Friend Carmen Horne began the practice of writing out Scripture this year and she shares with us,
"Do you ever catch yourself reading the Bible and thinking, I don't even remember what I just read? God planned for these feelings. He tells us that His Word (Isaiah 55:11) will always accomplish what He desires. Whew! It's not all up to our reading or comprehension ability.
I began purposely writing Scripture (separate from my daily study time) this year. Writing by hand forces our brains to process information in a more detailed way. Using good old pen and paper improves our recall. We remember better when we write it down."
Getting Started
Are you ready to begin writing Scripture? It’s very easy to get started.
1. Grab a blank journal, spiral notebook or blank index cards.
2. A simple pen or pencil will do.
3. Select which Scripture to write.
1. Grab a blank journal, spiral notebook or blank index cards.
2. A simple pen or pencil will do.
3. Select which Scripture to write.
- Choose a book of the Bible or a section and determine how much you will write and how frequent.
- Research Scriptures related to a specific topic you want to study.
- Use one of our Scripture Reading Lists, and write a scripture a day during the summer.

Getting Creative
Want to get a little more creative?
1. Devote a full page in your journal for each Scripture and use a creative lettering style to write out the verse.
2. Add a sketch or doodles or colorful stickers to the page.
3. Use colorful markers, pencils, pens or watercolor paints on your journal page.
1. Devote a full page in your journal for each Scripture and use a creative lettering style to write out the verse.
2. Add a sketch or doodles or colorful stickers to the page.
3. Use colorful markers, pencils, pens or watercolor paints on your journal page.

The possibilities are endless! Writing Scripture is a wonderful way to spend time with God in His Word. You will be blessed.
Carmen says, "The Holy Spirit always amazes me how He places Scriptures on just the right days. God supernaturally works in our lives. Just think, after a year of writing (at a minimum) twenty-one verses each month, we will have full notebooks of biblical truth."
Blessings Soul Friends,
Carmen says, "The Holy Spirit always amazes me how He places Scriptures on just the right days. God supernaturally works in our lives. Just think, after a year of writing (at a minimum) twenty-one verses each month, we will have full notebooks of biblical truth."
Blessings Soul Friends,

Diving Deeper
Read each of the following Scriptures and journal what each one tells you about the Word of God.
- Psalm 119:11
- Colossians 3:16
- Hebrews 4:12
- Download any of our recent Scripture Reading Lists or visit our Pinterest Board for more verse by verse inspiration.
- Download Scripture Writing Lists from Carmen Horne >> click here
- Download our free Scripture Writing Journal page and print as many copies as you need.

Jana Kennedy Spicer is a born and raised Texas girl who has a heart for studying God’s Word and is passionate about encouraging women to do the same. She is the author of Let Your Light Shine: Being a Light in a Dark World; Praying For Revival; Inspiring Women: Who They Are and How To Be One and Gracious Words: Speaking with Kindness and Mercy; and the illustrator of the scripture based Garden of Life Coloring Book and Coloring the Scriptures.

Carmen Horne is an author, Board Certified Advanced Christian Life Coach, and speaker who uses her gifts to encourage women to draw on God’s power and a dynamic relationship with Jesus to change their perspective on the unexpected. She is the author of Out of Words: 31 Prayers of Hope for Your Hurting Heart. Visit her online at CarmenHorne.com.
Posted in FAITH Magazine, Unlocking the Bible
Posted in journaling, scripture, download, Jana Kennedy-Spicer, Carmen Horne
Posted in journaling, scripture, download, Jana Kennedy-Spicer, Carmen Horne
Thank you ladies for all you do. I enjoy writing out verses and breaking them down through prayer, my strong's concordance and my favorite commentators. Then I write out a short devotion and text it to 9 friends. Several of them do the same to me. I use your scripture writing plans often. I look forward to getting out of bed every morning to hear from God. Blessings on you. Love the magazine, too. 💗
Oh, Jen that is so encouraging! Many blessings soul friend.