When Fear Crowds Into Your Life

Ever had a guest who overstayed their welcome? I sure have. He took up residence a long time ago and then refused to leave. Living with him camped out in my head became normal. He planted negative thoughts in my mind as comfortably as planting his feet on the coffee table. Instead of cleaning up after himself, he enjoyed trashing my hopes and ideas. He cooked up ways to feed on my insecurities, leaving only crumbs of confidence behind. This guest unpacked, settled in, and crowded out my dreams. He’s proud of the many places he’s visited. Maybe you’ve met my roommate too? His name? Fear.
It’s difficult to think about all I’ve let this unwelcome squatter keep me from doing: meeting new people, responding to a need, experiencing adventure, following my dreams, and so much more. The closer I came to trying any of those things, the more messages Fear began leaving for me to replay in my head, convincing me that I would only make a fool of myself and should instead just shelter in place with him.
After experiencing many missed opportunities, I finally recognized that Fear had no intention of leaving on his own. Not only that, he’d plopped himself down and wedged his way between God and me. The reality is God wasn’t the one who moved over to make room for him; no, that was all me. Anyone else ever been the one to scoot over?
It’s difficult to think about all I’ve let this unwelcome squatter keep me from doing: meeting new people, responding to a need, experiencing adventure, following my dreams, and so much more. The closer I came to trying any of those things, the more messages Fear began leaving for me to replay in my head, convincing me that I would only make a fool of myself and should instead just shelter in place with him.
After experiencing many missed opportunities, I finally recognized that Fear had no intention of leaving on his own. Not only that, he’d plopped himself down and wedged his way between God and me. The reality is God wasn’t the one who moved over to make room for him; no, that was all me. Anyone else ever been the one to scoot over?

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
Did you catch the “self-discipline” part? If we’re going to live the life God has planned for us, and more importantly abide in the greatest commandment of loving God with our whole hearts, souls, and minds, it’s time to get cleaning! There’s no room for Fear when we dwell in the house of the Lord. Let’s pack up all his lies, doubts, and accusations, and send him on his way…far away!
The eviction notice has been served! There’s no doubt Fear will continue to knock on our doors and it may take a while to clear everything out and give these “temples” of ours a good cleansing. When we do though, we can look forward to a new-found peace without that extra voice always butting in. Choosing our roommates carefully isn’t always easy but we have this promise to depend on:
“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)
What a comfort to be reminded that we don’t have to do it on our own. So, are you ready to join me in saying “goodbye” to Fear? Now’s the time. Because you know what they always say…”Two’s company, three’s a crowd!”
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
Did you catch the “self-discipline” part? If we’re going to live the life God has planned for us, and more importantly abide in the greatest commandment of loving God with our whole hearts, souls, and minds, it’s time to get cleaning! There’s no room for Fear when we dwell in the house of the Lord. Let’s pack up all his lies, doubts, and accusations, and send him on his way…far away!
The eviction notice has been served! There’s no doubt Fear will continue to knock on our doors and it may take a while to clear everything out and give these “temples” of ours a good cleansing. When we do though, we can look forward to a new-found peace without that extra voice always butting in. Choosing our roommates carefully isn’t always easy but we have this promise to depend on:
“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)
What a comfort to be reminded that we don’t have to do it on our own. So, are you ready to join me in saying “goodbye” to Fear? Now’s the time. Because you know what they always say…”Two’s company, three’s a crowd!”
Join us in the pages of Sweet To The Soul FAITH Magazine
for Women Inspiring Generations for the Kingdom of God.
for Women Inspiring Generations for the Kingdom of God.
Heavenly Father,
There are many voices that fill our heads, Lord, and often they drown out Yours. Fear is one of the loudest. Please help us to remember that we are not alone. You hold us in your hands. Help us trust that You will assist in fighting fear so that we may do and accomplish those things you have planned for our lives. Open our eyes so that we may see what must be purged so that in each of us, You can create a clean heart; one filled with Your love and overflowing love for You and those around us. We pray these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus.
There are many voices that fill our heads, Lord, and often they drown out Yours. Fear is one of the loudest. Please help us to remember that we are not alone. You hold us in your hands. Help us trust that You will assist in fighting fear so that we may do and accomplish those things you have planned for our lives. Open our eyes so that we may see what must be purged so that in each of us, You can create a clean heart; one filled with Your love and overflowing love for You and those around us. We pray these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus.
Blessings Soul Friends,
Diving Deeper
- Are there opportunities you’ve missed because fear held you back?
- How do the Scriptures above encourage you to step out beyond your fear?
- What steps can you take to “evict” fear from being an unwelcome “guest” in your life?
Let It Go: 5 Things You Don't Need Taking Up Space In Your Head is a free 5 part study guide to help you let go of fear, bitterness, regret, shame and people-pleasing. Join Soul Friends Gretchen Fleming, Karen Friday, Amy Elaine Martinez, Mitzi Neely, Melanie Redd and Jana Kennedy-Spicer as they recount personal experiences and share Biblical encouragement to help you rid your heart of the weeds which can interfere with spiritual growth and flourishing.

Add your email address below to receive a FREE copy of Let It Go.
Cindy Wilkins. With a love for storytelling, Cindy has a passion for sharing lessons God is teaching her in everyday moments as a MiMi, Mom, Wife, Daughter, Teacher, and Friend. You can read more of her stories, ponderings, and what she's learning along the way in her Christian walk at www.myseaofthought.com.

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