The Woman I Want To Be

As I pen these words, it’s been almost two years since our “normal” changed forever. Our world shut down and uncertainties prevailed. The busyness of our days became filled with fear, stress, and worry.
Did you (like myself) have goals you were going to accomplish to perhaps become the woman you wanted to be? Only to have chaos ensue and those goals went out the window. I’m right there with you. I feel we’ve been in survival mode. I’m working hard to drop that word from my vocabulary and replace it with living. Living is defined as the style or way a person lives their life. Doesn’t living put us more in sync with our intentions when we look at the woman we want to be?
As we move forward, let’s give our attention to words that will encourage and lead us to become the woman God intended us to be. Let’s start this month with…focus. Focus can be described as one who is concentrated, attentive, engrossed, determined, or committed.

In the planner world, you’ll hear “there’s nothing magical about January 1.” And, that’s correct, it’s not magical. But it is the first blank page of a 365-page book. How do you want your book to read?
I’ve come to enjoy the last week of the year. I have more white space in my calendar. The hustle and bustle are minimal, and I’m allowed time to reflect and focus. In my year-end review, I consider my wins, my challenges, what worked well, what didn’t work well, what I learned and what adjustments I need to make going into the new year. This exercise allows me to focus and listen to God.
I’ve come to enjoy the last week of the year. I have more white space in my calendar. The hustle and bustle are minimal, and I’m allowed time to reflect and focus. In my year-end review, I consider my wins, my challenges, what worked well, what didn’t work well, what I learned and what adjustments I need to make going into the new year. This exercise allows me to focus and listen to God.
“Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good. Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.” Proverbs 16:1-3 (Msg.)
I’ve been known to make elaborate plans and/or put outlandish expectations on myself without patiently waiting to hear from our God. Then wonder why I failed miserably. God wants to hear from us daily. The good, the bad and the ugly. It’s no surprise to Him. He’s at the door knocking, we just must be willing and ready to open.
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Colossians 3:2 (ESV)
Colossians 3:2 (ESV)
Have you focused on what you would like to accomplish this year to be the best version of yourself? Does it fire you up? Are you passionate about them? Have you prayed and asked God if this aligns with what He has planned for you? Are you listening for His response?
What makes up the cornerstone of your day? What is your focus?
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Click below to learn more about "Sweet To The Soul FAITH" and order your copy today.
Making a commitment to focus could include the following:
- Be in God’s word daily. This may look different for each of us. One day or week, you may commit to writing out scripture verses and entrusting them to memory. Or you may be enrolled in a bible study to dive deeper into scripture and its meaning. Or maybe, you want to be more creative with bible journaling. Or, if you’re pressed for time, simply read passages from your Bible. Feel free to use the attached scripture reading list to help you kick start your time in God’s Word.
- Communicate with God often. Write down your plans and give them over to God. Do they align with His? Ask for His patience as you listen and wait.
- Listen. Are you still? Do you have a designated quiet time? Commit to your quiet time and let your loved ones know when it is so they can be attentive to YOUR quiet time.
- Take action. Change won’t happen until you make it. What action will you take today to be “The Woman God Intended You to Be?” True faith demands action.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (ESV)
When the end of the year rolls around, how will your 365-page book read? Will you be satisfied by earthly standards or elated with how God’s plan was far better than you could have ever imagined for your life? I hope it’s the latter.
Heavenly Father, I ask for Your guidance and clear direction in the choices I make. Help me to pray into Your will and to be shown clearly the way You would have me go. Help me focus on the direction that You would have me take and help me to see what You have planned for my life. Remove any foolish desires or selfish motives and keep me far away from seeking the things of the world. Help me Lord, to focus on You as I wake in the morning, as I rest at night, and throughout the business of every passing day. May I live godly in Christ Jesus. This I ask in Your Son’s name. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I ask for Your guidance and clear direction in the choices I make. Help me to pray into Your will and to be shown clearly the way You would have me go. Help me focus on the direction that You would have me take and help me to see what You have planned for my life. Remove any foolish desires or selfish motives and keep me far away from seeking the things of the world. Help me Lord, to focus on You as I wake in the morning, as I rest at night, and throughout the business of every passing day. May I live godly in Christ Jesus. This I ask in Your Son’s name. Amen.
Diving Deeper
- Join us each month on the blog as we continue The Woman I Want To Be Series.
- Download all 12 of The Woman I Want To Be topical Scripture Reading Lists.
The 2022 Soul Inspired Planner will help you stay focused and organized all year. Each month includes a Scripture Reading List, beginning with the topic of "focus" for January. Click the cover image below for more information.
Tyanne Rakowitz. Woman of God, uniquely and wonderfully made. Wife to high school sweetheart for 39+ years. Mom to 6; 3 by blood and 3 by love. Grammy to 5 little boys. Humbly serving Christ Lutheran Church as the Office Administrator. And serves as the Business Administrator for Sweet to the Soul. Planner and organizer extraordinaire!

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