Rest for the Weary Soul

Today is part 1 of the series, Rest For The Weary Soul
Lately, my soul has been feeling pretty weary.
Some things have crept in and drained my joy, my peace and my motivation. And I need to rest, replenish and refuel my weary soul.
I feel the need to just set all the chaos, demands and drama of everyday life aside and search out some alone time with God.
weary: ‐ adjective.
1. Having the strength much exhausted by toil or violent exertion tired fatigued.
2. Having the patience exhausted, or the mind yielding to discouragement. He was weary of asking for redress.
3. Causing weariness tiresome as a weary way a weary life.
4. To reduce or exhaust the physical strength of the body to tire to fatigue as, to weary ones self with labor or traveling.
5. To make impatient of continuance.
It’s summer-time and I recently saw a picture of a friend quieting her schedule and enjoying some time looking out over the beautiful blue ocean from the cruise ship deck. And another sitting quietly with God and her Bible as the day slowly awakened with a picture perfect sunrise over the mountains. Still another was rejuvenating with a new devotional and peaceful waves lapping against her toes buried in the sand, alone on the beach.
Sounds peaceful, restful, calm.
But I’m not on a cruise ship, in the mountains or dipping my toes in the sand, and don’t foresee to be anytime soon. How about you?
I may not be going to any of those places, but isn’t it wonderful that I don’t have to “go” anywhere to spend time with God – He meets us right in the middle of where we are. In the middle of our little mess, in the middle of that round of chemo and even right smack dab in the middle of that stressful relationship.
God comes to us, we just have to stop long enough to be with Him.
Sounds peaceful, restful, calm.
But I’m not on a cruise ship, in the mountains or dipping my toes in the sand, and don’t foresee to be anytime soon. How about you?
I may not be going to any of those places, but isn’t it wonderful that I don’t have to “go” anywhere to spend time with God – He meets us right in the middle of where we are. In the middle of our little mess, in the middle of that round of chemo and even right smack dab in the middle of that stressful relationship.
God comes to us, we just have to stop long enough to be with Him.

Stopping … is that as difficult for you as it is me? How about just slowing down? It can seem impossible, but is it so essential.
Just as we fill our cars with fuel to keep them running, so we need to be filled with soul fuel to keep us running. And can I just say, I can see the “low fuel” light blinking over there in the corner of my soul. Where is your soul fuel gauge registering?
So I am going to take sometime to refuel. To be intentional about spending time with God and in His Word, and meditate on these scriptures. Would you like to join me? And invite a friend – or two or three or more. Let’s take this journey together.
We will begin our blog series next week, however until then, our team has shared some of the ways they find rest. Maybe these ideas will help you too.
1. Spend time away
2. Change up the normal routine
3. Be intentional
4. Schedule “rest”
5. Read the Bible
6. Meditate on God’s Word
7. Tune out the noise
8. Spend time in nature
9. Be in God’s presence
10. Listen to praise music
11. Listen to the Bible being read
12. Write out Scripture
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I asked our community about what they do when they feel weary and in need of rest. Below are a few of their answers.
5 Ways Our Soul Friends Find Rest
Silence and solitude! I head outdoors as much as possible to walk, pray and sit in His presence (preferably by a little nearby lake!). My main purpose is to just "be in His presence'‐‐‐to be still and rest. I listen to praise music and the Bible app to ingest scripture and then I shut the noise off but leave the earphones in for quiet! There is something about walking with the Lord in quiet that soothes my soul and encourages my heart! I always leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and so greatly LOVED! ~ Patti S.
I read a book a Saturday. Every Saturday that I can manage it I do nothing and read a whole book. I want my kids to see that taking time to do what you love is never time wasted. I read about 80 books a year and this helps me feel like I am using my brain for me. ~ Amber S.
I really have to be intentional about it, because I tend to be a workaholic. Like many of the others said, most days I like to be outside (preferably near water) and imagine I'm walking with God. ~ Elizabeth G.
A schedule! I need to know that I have an appointment to rest and that nothing else can bump rest off my calendar! ~ Christa C.
Purposeful time away from social media and even writing in order to just sit, listen, and study. ~ Sarah T.
Lord, thank You for caring so much for each of us to provide us with all we need, including rest when we become weary. You alone, are our source of strength, peace and comfort. Forgive us for looking to other things to find the peace which only You can provide. I pray for the woman reading this today that may feel her situation and responsibilities are heavy and burdensome. I thank You for meeting her right where she is, in the midst of her circumstances, uncertainty and chaos. I thank You for all that you have prepared in advance for her. I pray her soul need is met in such a miraculous way that she is left without doubt of Your love and provision. Thank You for resting her soul. In Jesus' precious name, Amen
Blessings Soul Friends,
Blessings Soul Friends,

Diving Deeper
We have gathered these 5 Scriptures for the focus of this blog series. Join us each Friday over the next 5 weeks as we learn how we can find rest for our weary soul.
5 Scriptures for When You Need Rest
Week 1 - Exodus 33:14
"My presence shall go with you and I will give you rest."
Upcoming Blog: Don't Go It Alone by Jana Kennedy Spicer
Week 2 - Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
Upcoming Blog: Actively Being Still by Donna Fender
Week 3 - Jeremiah 6:16
"Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls."
Upcoming Blog: Which Way Do I Go? by Jana Kennedy Spicer
Week 4 -Mark 6:31
"Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest awhile. (for there are many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat)"
Upcoming Blog: Having a Personal Retreat by Christa Hutchins
Week 5 -Matthew 11:28
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Upcoming Blog: A Personal Invitation by Jana Kennedy Spicer
Download this printable list of the 5 Scriptures for When You Need Rest to use in your Bible study and prayer time.
You might also like the 31 Day "Be Still" Scripture List
Jana Kennedy-Spicer is a wife, mom and Nana. A born and raised Texas-girl who loves boots, sunflowers, and sweet tea. She has a heart for studying God's Word and is passionate about encouraging women to do the same. Connect with Jana at

Posted in Christian Living, FAITH Magazine
Posted in Be Still, Weary Soul, download, Jana Kennedy-Spicer
Posted in Be Still, Weary Soul, download, Jana Kennedy-Spicer
1 Comment
Thank you Jana for this much needed post. Its June 28th 2024. May God continue to bless you richly with His Peace.