Sharing The Gospel with Those Around Us

My seatbelt was fastened and sunglasses in place. The radio volume was up and my toes were already tapping to the beat of a Praise song. I was all set for my trip across the mountains. Having allowed enough time to get to my destination with a little to spare, things were moving along smoothly, that is until it came into view….that unexpected, unplanned for, “BE PREPARED TO STOP” sign!
First in line, I pulled up leaving a polite distance between the flagger and the front of my car, all the while averting my eyes from the actual man standing at the sign. Turning the volume up a little more hoping to pass the time singing along to my favorite songs, I prayed I wouldn’t now be late. The chorus of the first song hadn’t even played when out of the corner of my eye I caught a movement as the man and his sign headed my way. My hope that he was only moving out to the middle of road so others could see him, was dashed as it became clear that my driver’s side window was his destination. Nervously, I turned the radio down, tried to swallow my panic, and pushed the button to lower my window.
First in line, I pulled up leaving a polite distance between the flagger and the front of my car, all the while averting my eyes from the actual man standing at the sign. Turning the volume up a little more hoping to pass the time singing along to my favorite songs, I prayed I wouldn’t now be late. The chorus of the first song hadn’t even played when out of the corner of my eye I caught a movement as the man and his sign headed my way. My hope that he was only moving out to the middle of road so others could see him, was dashed as it became clear that my driver’s side window was his destination. Nervously, I turned the radio down, tried to swallow my panic, and pushed the button to lower my window.
Read more on the topic of sharing the gospel in Volume 3 of
Sweet To The Soul FAITH Magazine: Splendor
Sweet To The Soul FAITH Magazine: Splendor
His sun-leathered skin was in stark contrast to the neon green shirt he had on. A hat, sunglasses, and beard hid most of his face from my view but couldn’t begin to conceal the smile he wore as he approached the side of my car and me. What happened next was a total surprise and changed my day! As you might guess since I’m writing about it now, it’s left a lasting impression.
“Do you know Jesus?” he boldly asked me. Once I’d confirmed that I was indeed saved and headed to Heaven some day, this unlikely Apostle shared his own story of salvation. He also added that while he was the owner of the paving company he took every opportunity possible to stop his managerial duties so he could man the flag to tell others about Christ.
Soon, the “Follow Me” vehicle appeared and it occurred to me that following this truck would lead me out of the work zone but following the actions of the flagger, my brother in Christ, would take me right into the midst of it!

So, here’s the big question: Am I willing… Are we willing to “be prepared to stop” what we are doing in our everyday lives to share the Gospel with those around us? I’m afraid that more than once I’ve had the 'could have', but instead of meeting the opportunity with a smile, I hesitated for one reason or another and missed the chance.
My encounter with a preaching flag man has inspired me to do a better job because my friends, there’s no doubt that sharing the Good News is the task that God has prepared for each of us:
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’ ”
Mark 16:15 (NIV)
Mark 16:15 (NIV)
“In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.”
2 Timothy 4:1-2 (NIV)
2 Timothy 4:1-2 (NIV)
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard: And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’ ” Romans 10:14-15 (NIV)

There’s no way to know how many lives in addition to mine, the “Fisher of Men” I met in the middle of the road has impacted, but I’m pretty sure his work-boot clad feet look absolutely beautiful to God! I pray that you and I are willing to follow in his footsteps!
And if you’re willing, I’d love to hear about people who have inspired you with their witness.
Blessings Soul Friends,
Diving Deeper
Look up each of the following Scriptures and read each verse in context, reading the verses before and after to understand the full setting and conversation.
With each Scripture, answer these questions:
1) Who is the writer?
2) Who is he writing to?
3) What challenges were they facing?
4) How does knowing this, encourage me to share my testimony with others?
Then ask God to give you a specific name or open a door of opportunity for you to share about Jesus.
- Mark 16:15
- 2 Timothy 4:1-2
- Romans 10:14-15
With each Scripture, answer these questions:
1) Who is the writer?
2) Who is he writing to?
3) What challenges were they facing?
4) How does knowing this, encourage me to share my testimony with others?
Then ask God to give you a specific name or open a door of opportunity for you to share about Jesus.
You might also like to listen to this podcast from our Soul Friend Cyndee Ownbey at Women's Ministry Toolbox as she talks about The Power of Personal Testimony.
Cindy Wilkins is a Mimi, mother, wife and a retired teacher. She's also a left-handed, curly haired, perfectionist extraordinaire who loves to tell stories. You can read more of this woman of God's writings at

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